Integrate Qvalia with Fennoa using the integration app to log invoices in Fennoa and simplify accounting processes.
The Fennoa connector enables users to synchronize transactions between Qvalia and Fennoa. Customer invoices are automatically logged in Fennoa for simplified bookkeeping.
How it works
- Manage your transactions in Qvalia; invoices are posted automatically in Fennoa
- Supports customer invoice
- Invoices are posted automatically to designated accounts
- Peppol UBL XML is transformed and mapped into a Fennoa-compatible data scheme
- Qvalia creates OCR for customer invoices
- Review and manage deviations in the error log
Transferred invoice information includes issue date, currency, supplier party, customer party, references, payment means, note, invoice period, invoice lines, tax total, sales order ID, total amount, attachments, and originator document references.
How to activate the integration
- Go to Settings and Integrations.
- In the list, click Fennoa and Connect.
- Log in to the Fennoa account you wish to connect.
- Choose settings and click Approve.
- Await authentication. The integration is marked as Active in the status indicator on the Integrations overview. Please allow up to 24 hours for confirmation.
- Contact We will help you make a quick test of the settings and integration.
- Done.
How to manage the error log
Users can review and manage invoices that were unable to transfer by accessing the error log.
- Go to Settings and Integrations.
- Click View log under the active integration.
- Review the error list, you have three options:
- View error: investigate source and review metadata
- Reprocess: try to transfer the invoice again
- Ignore: The invoice will be removed from the integration log but still accessible in list views
- Subscription to Order Management Large or Enterprise
- Products are identified and posted in Fennoa if the invoice is using the same product ID as in Fennoa
- Products will be created in Fennoa if the line item product ID doesn't correspond to an existing product ID in Fennoa
- Products will be posted to the default sales account if the product ID is missing or does not correspond to Fennoa