What is Peppol BIS Advanced Ordering?

BIS Advanced Ordering is the most advanced profile for sending e-order messages in Peppol, enabling two-way communication between customer and supplier.

BIS Advanced Ordering is a profile for sending electronic order messages in Peppol. It allows the most dynamic and seamless communication capabilities in Peppol compared to BIS Order Only and BIS Ordering. The profile enables two-way communication and real-time updating, allowing both parties to change or cancel the order.

E-order messages using the BIS Advanced Ordering profile contain structured information on products and services, accounting information, values and amounts, invoice information, inventory information based on catalogs, etc. The message can also support limited transport-related information. Tax information can include VAT, GST, and sales tax, the tax number for reverse charges, and an estimate of the expected order value.

Using BIS Advanced Ordering

In this process, the buyer places an order, and the seller responds. The seller can respond by accepting, rejecting, or accepting the order with changes.

  • If the seller accepts the order with changes, the buyer can accept the changes proposed by the seller and confirm them by sending changes to the order, reject the changes proposed by the seller, and cancel the order
  • In Advanced Ordering, the buyer and the seller can also communicate regarding changes to an already accepted or canceled order. Neither party needs to accept the proposal to change or cancel the existing order made by the other party.
  • Advanced Ordering can be used for an extensive range of products and services in different sectors. In this process, the buyer and the seller can use more tools than in BIS Ordering.

More information on Peppol BIS Advanced Ordering documentation.