How to create an invoice from a sales order?

Create an invoice based on your incoming sales order.

Go to Orders in the Sales section in the main menu. Click and review the order you wish to invoice.

1. Click Process in the top right corner of the order view and select Invoice order.

2. In the invoice creation view, a draft is automatically created based on the order information. Review and update the invoice accordingly.

3. When the invoice is done, click Save & review.

5. Review the invoice and click Send invoice.

Two invoice fields can not be edited when invoices are created based on sales orders:

  • Peppol ID (must equal the ID from the original order)
  • Order number in Additional fields (mandatory reference to the original order)

The invoice list view, located in the sidebar navigation, allows you to view previously sent invoices and invoice drafts. For further reading, see this article about creating and sending invoices.