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  2. Invoice management

How do I handle invoices in Quarantine?

Erroneous supplier invoices are placed in a dedicated list where users can review them and take appropriate actions.

The Quarantine feature is available to companies using Qvalia to manage supplier invoices. It helps reduce errors and ensures the quality of incoming invoices by automatically identifying duplicates and transactions with missing information during PDF scanning.

Erroneous invoices are placed in a special list where users can review them and take appropriate actions.

  1. Click on Quarantine in the main menu.
  2. Incoming invoices with identified issues are placed under the New tab. In the list view, you can review details such as the source and error type.
  3. Click on Actions and View invoice to review the content and determine the appropriate action, as outlined below.

How to handle duplicates

Duplicate invoices are marked as Duplicate in the Error type column in the list view. Click the Actions button next to the invoice you want to handle in the list view. The user has three main options:

View invoice: Review the invoice to determine the correct action.

Resolve error: Take action to resolve the identified issue. Here, the user has two options:

  • Update original: You can choose to update the original invoice with new invoice information. The original invoice will be updated with information from the invoice flagged as a duplicate.
  • Archive invoice: The duplicate will be saved in Quarantine under the Archive tab in the list view.

Ignore invoice: No action will be taken, and the invoice will be filed under the Archive tab in Quarantine.

How to handle invoices with low information quality

Invoices of low scanning quality are marked as Low quality in the Error type column in the list view. Click the Actions button next to the specific invoice you want to handle in the list view. The user has two main options:

View invoice: Review the content that could not be scanned. The user must contact the supplier to request a new invoice or re-scan the invoice.

Ignore invoice: No action will be taken, and the invoice will be saved in Quarantine under the Archive tab.

Deactivate the duplicate function

The duplicate function in quarantine can be turned off, for example, if duplicate checks are performed manually or by third-party systems.

The Qvalia team makes changes and deactivates the duplicate check. Contact us via help@qvalia.com.

Read about which invoices are placed in quarantine.